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Pigeon perched on a wall. Photo: mauro-tandoi-_jn3oS40sRM-unsplash

Pi-geons are beautiful. Learn more about this urban denizen from the books and essays below.

A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching by Rosemary Mosco

The Global Pigeon by Colin Jerolmack

Pigeon series by Mo Willems

“The Pigeon Stalker” about Dr. Elizabeth Carlen by Corey Kilgannon (NY Times paywall)

“The Origins of Our Misguided Hared for Pigeons” by Matt Soniak(Audubon)

Looking up into tree crowns: Photo: john-reed-wmwqiTTi9zA-unsplash

The spring season of Tree Wonder Washington Square Park kicks off this Sunday, March 19 at 11 a.m! The first Visiting Artist will be Flora Wilds, a “conceptual artist with a BA in Art History from Suffolk University (2017), and an MFA with a Fellowship from the San Francisco Art Institute (2021). With her education largely focusing contemporary art history, critical theory, and new genres, all the material skills Wilds uses in her practice, such as sewing, are self taught.” Kristin Andrea Jones. Jones is the co-founder of Tree Wonder and “has spent her career creating large-scale collaborative works for the public domain.”

Follow TreeWonderWSP on Instagram for more details.

Star Magnolia in bloom. Photo: 640px-Magnolia_stellata_Royal_Star_3zz (Wikimedia Commons)

Some of the flower buds on the Star Magnolia are opening. Hopefully this mid-March snow storm doesn’t kill the emerging flowers. However, there are many buds that haven’t exposed their floral parts, so we might get to experience something close to what is pictured above.

The flower buds of the Yoshino Cherry are expanding! This cherry species will bloom before the Kwanzan cherries in the park. Check out the Phenology Project StoryMap or the Phenology Trail Map for tree locations.