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Red-tailed hawks perched on a church cross

Washington Square Park – May 2020

The Covid-19 situation in New York and elsewhere remains grim. We hope you and all your loved ones are well and safe. Our in-person public programs are still on hold, but we have resumed our bird survey and plant phenology monitoring programs with appropriate physical distancing protocols. For official park status updates, please visit the

Yoshino cherry, Washington Square Park, March 2020

Washington Square Park – Apr 2020

We hope this newsletter finds you and yours healthy and safe. Our wildlife and plant phenology surveys, the EXPLORE BIRDS education program, and related community science experiences are on hold. We miss spending time in the park. We will miss observing the changes in the trees and shrubs, the arrival of migratory birds, and the

Washington Square Park – Our Past Work, 2018-2014

The seed for Washington Square Park Eco Projects took root in 2013. We launched as WSP Ecology in 2014 with the park’s first online tree map, WSP Eco Map. The map also featured layer of Minetta Brook’s historic and contemporary flows. In 2016, we received our first permit to conduct a long-term wildlife survey from

Carolina wren, GBBC 2020 poster

Washington Square Park – Great Backyard Bird Count 2020

Please save the date for the 2020 Great Backyard Bird Count in the park. We will be walking the transect and counting winter birds on the morning of Saturday, February 15th. Email us for start time and meeting location. By the way, a Carolina wren (pictured above) was last seen in the park on October 5, 2019.

Red-bellied woodpecker by Richard Davis

Washington Square Park – Christmas Bird Count 2019

On an unseasonably warm Saturday last December, five observers counted birds in Washington Square Park for the 2019 Christmas Bird Count (CBC). The CBC is a project of the Audubon Society and is organized in the five boroughs by NYC Audubon. We hope to make the CBC a regular annual event in the park. We