As always, we’ve got “feather and foliage” news. On October 16th, we hosted a Birdtober 2021 count. The group observed 21 species including yellow-bellied sapsucker, flicker, ruby-crowned kinglet, various thrushes and sparrows, towhee, and palm warbler. Thank you to the folks who participated in this collabirdtive event. The park is still full of birds. We counted 15 species during the November 2nd wildlife survey. |

Fall foliage has not peaked across the entire park, but several species are at peak, peaking, or are rapidly shedding their leaves such as sugar maple (leaves above), flowering dogwood, ash, and zelkova. Ornamental cherries, tuliptree, and sweetgum are heading towards peak so head out to the park soon.
Appreciate the fall color in the park–this year’s show is muted in the region because of wet and warm weather earlier in the year (H/T USA NPN October 2021 newsletter).